"What's your power song?" is a question you hear quite often nowadays. Running has gotten so popular, that it can even serve as a pickup line. Props to Nike+ for making the buzz phrase 'Power Song'.
As for me, I have none.
I prefer to run without music. Don't get me wrong, I am a BIG fan of music, but when it comes to working out, I prefer to do without. When people ask me "So, what music do you listen to when you run?" they are not expecting "Nothing" as my reply. More often than not, the follow up questions are "Why Not? What keeps you going? Don't you get bored?".
For me, working out (be it a swim, a bike ride or a run) is alone time. My mind is not at all quiet tho. Depending on the type and intensity of the workout, there can be a ton of things up in my head.
Long rides are easy - its just about enjoying the wind, the sun, and the scenery - even in the rain. Most often, I'll be chatting it up with my riding partner. Towards the end of the ride, conversations usually start shifting towards food, or about where and when the next long ride would be.
Running is much more punishing. I don't think most people, towards the end of a long run, would be thinking about how much they are looking forward to their next. Probably, they are counting down the miles, hoping it will be over soon.
During runs, my mind is filled with alot of things. Most often, I am playing numbers games. I like computing pace, and finishing times. It keeps me busy. Sometimes I do multiplication tables. I haven't quite yet reached the point where I have tried to recite the periodic table of elements. Recently, I ran with my Garmin and got so bored. The damn thing did all the computation for me! I was left with nothing to do. Next time, I'm leaving the Garmin at home.

During hard runs and races, I mostly find myself thinking about technique. While struggling to keep pace, and watching my breathing, I constantly remind myself of certain things, hoping it will help me run better - 'Run in a straight line', 'Light feet', 'Keep your head up', 'Don't slouch', 'Maximize the stride', 'Pump the arms' among others.
Silence is my Power Song...what's yours?
haven't been running long and yet i already have SO many power songs. at the moment: walking on a dream by empire of the sun, traffic light by the ting tings, big jumps by emiliana torini--slow songs but they psych me up at the start of a run. to pick up my pace current faves are a-punk by vampire weekend, paper planes by MIA, viva la vida/coldplay, ray of light/madonna... see? ang dami! kulang pa yan : )
i think it's pretty hard core when you can run without music. maybe one day i can do that....?
before i fried my ipod, i run with Artic Monkey songs. Now, I can run without music and when I get bored I just sing hehe or count my steps.
"Out here grindin'". "Chasing pavements" would've been appropriate but it's a slow song. :-)
I only use my iPod when i run in PA Grandtand Oval. Gets boring running in circles. Same goes with swim laps.
Speedo waterproof MP3 player? Just a bit pricey though. :-)
current power songs..
fuel - metallica
mad - ne-yo
where do i begin - the chemical brothers
dami pa eh... baka mapuno ito... :D
Multiplication table? I would fall flat on my face if I attempt to do that while running. Garmin? Love analyzing the data after the run, but hate looking at it while running.
My power song? Cool breeze, rustling leaves, footsteps, deep breaths, water sloshing from my hydration bottle, and the cacophony of voices and thoughts in my head :-)
It beats listening to your hubby urging you to run faster noh? :P
If I had a singing voice, maybe I'll try :)
Hardcore na yan! I don't swim long enough to run out of things to keep me busy!
Finally! Somebody who runs without music :)
nada... like you i love music, but not while running or cycling. i try to enjoy my surroundings... yes, even on my 9th round on the u.p. oval. yawn. :P
multiplication table talaga!
cheers to that! hahaha
actually ako rin bihira na rin ako tumakbo with an ipod. the wires could get quite cumbersome pag nagsesway arms mo
I go through phases: must run with music to cant run with it. Right now, I'm running without. It feels much more intense to just hear my breath when I'm running fast. And, it's also good to hear how my foot lands on the ground.
Can my son run pala with you so you can tutor him in math while you run? :)
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